Welcome friend!
I’m glad you’ve clicked over to learn more about this site.
You may be asking why “Bloom With Debi?” Good question.
The purpose of “Bloom With Debi” is to walk through the process of becoming a disciple of Jesus together. This means I’m here walking alongside you as you grow in your knowledge and understanding of God. No one can do this alone. We need each other, so I got you, girl. I’m right here with you.
We’re all practicing following Jesus. It doesn’t happen overnight. It takes time. We can journey together through encouragement, insight, teaching, and interactive opportunities. It’s a lifelong process, and it’s a pleasure to be on this adventure with you.
If you are searching for a deeper, more meaningful relationship with Jesus Christ, if you want to develop your understanding of God, our heavenly Father, and if you are looking for ways to hear the Holy Spirit more clearly, this is the place for you.
Whatever your faith journey looks like, whether it’s new or you’ve been at this a long time, I want to walk alongside you and help you establish deep roots in God’s love so that you can bear fruit that is visible for all to see.
You may be wondering if I’ve got the chops to do this. I do. I’ve been a Christ follower for over 45 years. I’ve made many of the same mistakes you have, but I keep pressing on toward the goal of knowing God more and loving him with all of my heart, soul, mind, and strength.
I understand the importance of community, both in person and virtually, and I have dedicated myself to study and spiritual development because that is where I find fulfillment and purpose.
I hope you’ll take some time to look around, read some articles, and interact with me through email and social media.
Welcome to the adventure!
Meet Debi
I’m a…
- Wife
- Mom
- Christ-Follower
- Adoptee
- Chocolate lover
- Bicycle enthusiast
- Bible-studier
- Avid reader
- Tech junkie
- And flyfisher
I like…
- Warm weather, but I also snow ski, so there’s that
- Birkenstocks
- Hot chocolate & Tea, separately, of course
- Stand-up paddle boarding
- The beach
- Fly fishing
- Days with no plans
- Hummingbirds
- Chips and salsa
- Bubbly water
- Solving problems
- 80s music
- Public speaking
I homeschooled my kids until they went to early college. My husband rocks my boat. And I like to watch golf, but I don’t play.
My most treasured possession is my walk with the Lord. Daily, I endeavor to grow deep roots and bear good fruit as I love those around me. I find great joy in studying the Word of God and digging into the deep meaning and power of the scriptures. I can easily get lost in the archeology and history of the Bible. When I make new discoveries or the Holy Spirit reveals new truths to me from the Word, I want to share them with others.
Being a part of a faith community makes all of this fun and exciting. I learn and grow with my sisters in Christ, and I strive to be salt and light to those who are still working out their faith.
So, there you have it. Me in a nutshell. If you see some commonalities between us, stick around. It will be fun to get to know you, too. Grab a cuppa and start poking around. Oh, and let me know what we have in common.
Thanks again for stopping by.